Episode 21: How to write and publish a book at any age

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I hear from a lot of people who want to write who tell me that they couldn’t possibly start now. That it’s too late, or they’re too old, or they could never start doing something like that at this time in their life. My guest today calls BS on all that thinking.

Shirley Novack just wrote and published her first historical fiction novel – in her mid-seventies. She used a real life event that happened to her father and turned it into fiction, wrote it in a year and just saw it published.

I LOVE stories like this – they turn all those old stories right on their heads and show you just what’s possible when you have a different attitude about it.

We talked about:

• The importance of mindset

• How Shirley approached writing a book for the first time

• How she took a traumatic family story and used it to create a fictional novel

And more.

You can find Shirley’s book here: https://www.amazon.com/Story-Shirley-B-Novack/dp/1638607338

You can find me at cateconte.com

or on Instagram: @lizmugavero.