Welcome to our 25th episode! This feels like a big deal for me – last year at this time I was talking about launching a podcast and here we are with 25 episodes in the bag. Yay!
And since this is a special episode, I had to have a special guest. You know how there are those people who you meet and just feel like you’ve known forever? Well, that happened to me (a few times) at the Seascape Writers Retreat about 14 years ago. If you listened to episode 17 with author John Valeri, you heard a little bit about it. That was in 2007. The following year, I went again and I formed more friendships that have lasted to this day – my Wicked Author friends Sherry Harris and Edith Maxwell, and my guest today.
Christine Keyes is a writer who is making it up as she goes along. She started her career as a television reporter but has been a magazine editor, CEO of her own software company and even a traffic controller. She now runs a publishing company. She has two sons and is based in Sydney, Australia but can often be found singing karaoke on a cruise ship or a tropical island.
Or in the U.S., which is where she is right now – here at the beach with me. And I had to get her on the podcast to talk about her journey from Seascape to publishing her first book this year, her popular blog about her many travels, and the importance of the writing community she’s built over the years.
We talk about:
• What working with professional mentors at Seascape taught her about writing
• How traveling the world has changed her writing life
• The process of publishing her first book
And more. You don’t want to miss this super fun episode.
Follow Christine’s blog, Festival of Tina.
Buy Stella’s Secret here.
You can find me at cateconte.com
or on Instagram: @lizmugavero