Have you ever doodled during a meeting, or used some kind of visualization to help you plot out your next novel? Or are you jealous of people who seem like they can sketch out ideas visually with no effort at all? Then this episode is DEFINITELY for you.
My guest is a writer, but I actually wanted to bring her on the show because what she’s writing and teaching about HELPS writers. Her name is Ashton Rodenhiser and she teaches visual note taking and using drawing as a thinking tool. Now – before you hit pause on this episode, don’t get hung up on the word “drawing” – because if you’re anything like me, you’re saying right now “I can’t draw!”
Well guess what. You don’t have to. Visual notetaking is a whole thing. And as Ashton herself says, Anyone, whether they are students or boardroom executives can benefit from visual note taking. Even if you feel like you can’t draw, it’s possible to learn basic drawing elements to help you benefit from drawing your notes. There are studies that support visually capturing notes can lead to improved recall and retention and can help you focus and connect deeper with information.
Ashton is passionate about lifting the creative spirit in everyone that she meets. For the past seven years, she has followed her passion for helping people communicate their ideas and combined that with creativity by founding Mind’s Eye Creative Consulting. Over the years, she has brought close to a thousand presentations and conversations to life either on paper or digitally.
We talked about:
• All the different ways you can use visual representation to capture ideas
• How to use this technique to plot your book
• Why you don’t have to have the first clue how to draw ANYTHING
And so much more.
Find out more about Ashton and her work here: http://www.mindseyecreative.ca/
How to plot even when it’s not your superpower with Jessica Ellicott: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/get-writing-podcast/id1673553137?i=1000603171534
Find me at cateconte.com or on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/lizmugavero/