I have another shorty episode for you today – one that builds on our conversation about journaling last week and how important it is for writers to keep our creative channels clear for the day-to-day junk that clogs up our creativity.
There’s another piece to that – and it’s all about bringing the joy back to our creative process – and opening ourselves up through joy and fun to help us access the creative part of ourselves.
I’m talking about bringing the joy back to your writing life. And one of the ways we can do that is through the Artist Date.
In this episode I talk about:
• What an Artist Date is
• Why it’s critical to the creative process
• A few ideas on how to take one
• How you can really be in the moment and enjoy the time you’re taking to connect with your inner artist
If you’ve never thought that a “serious writing career” should include having fun, this episode is for you, my friend. It’s also for me too, because I have been known to be fun-challenged. So let’s go on some Artist Dates together and see what magic happens!
Stay tuned for some big news coming up soon about a masterclass on mindful mystery writing!
Make sure you’re following me on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/lizmugavero/ or find me at cateconte.com