If you think writing a book is scary, try getting up on stage in front of an audience and trying out your idea first.
That’s what author Dick Wybrow did when he was just starting out to counteract the wait between agent and editor queries and response time. Using stand-up comedy as a platform, he tested out not only story ideas, but pacing, his approach to humor and overall storytelling presence.
Fast forward to today—he’s a best-selling author of more than a dozen humorous supernatural thrillers. His latest novel, Kane, has been atop Amazon’s best-seller list since its publication.
His books cross genres and break ALL the rules, which if you know me at all, you know I love.
Like I always say, there are no rules in writing.
We talk about:
• How his former careers, from stand-up to radio host to TV news, helped him find his writing voice
• His approach to crossing genres
• His reverse approach to the traditional werewolf story (hint – it involves a wolf turning human)
• His unique writing superpower
And so much more.
This conversation was a blast – you don’t want to miss it.
Find out more about Dick at https://www.dickwybrow.com/ and find links to his books.
Connect with me on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/lizmugavero/ for updates.
And if you’re looking for a community and some accountability to get you writing, get more info on The Creativity Lab here.