Episode 52: Why it’s critical to schedule daydreaming time with author Emily Winslow

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If you’ve ever beat yourself up for not being “productive enough” during your writing sessions, this episode is for you.

Too often as writers we only think that the time spent pounding out actual words on the keyboard can be considered our writing time. And that’s the message we often get from the world, too, when we share what we’re doing. The first question I always get asked is, “Do you write every day?” Followed up by, “How many words per day do you write?”

These questions are perfectly valid, and truth be told I do try to write every day, especially when I am knee-deep in a book. But it’s also true that the best ideas often arrive when I’m doing something else—like showering or driving. I believe it’s because we’re not trying to force the muse to bestow a magical idea on us during a specific time period. It’s usually when we give our minds a break and let them work on things subconsciously that we find a resolution.

My guest today backs me up on this completely. In fact, the whole first chapter of her latest book is about the benefits of daydreaming as writers.

Emily Winslow is the author of a series of crime novels and a memoir, as well as Time to Write, a how-to guide for writers of all genres. We had the best time talking about all things writing, including:

• How a job creating puzzles led to her first crime novel

• Figuring out YOUR writing process—and then not only accepting it, but embracing it

• Why every writer needs daydreaming time just as much as actual fingers-on-keyboard time

• Owning how much of our writing is done in our heads when we’re doing other things

And so much more.

You can find out more about Emily and buy Time to Write here: https://emilywinslow.com/

And follow her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emilywinslow.author