Episode 78: Are your limiting beliefs holding you back? How to get control of your thoughts and create a nurturing environment for your creativity

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What if the only thing holding you back from writing your book was…you?

Hear me out. Most of us are carrying around stories that someone told us at some point in our lives. Usually those stories have to do with why we can’t do something, or perhaps why spending our time writing a book isn’t a realistic endeavor. Or maybe we’ve come to believe that we’re not good enough for something.

The thing about those stories, though, is that they are never true. They’re limiting beliefs, and they’re holding us back.

In fact, it’s what holds us back more than ANY OTHER obstacle when it comes to creative expression.

I speak from experience. I’m still working through a slate of limiting beliefs every single day.

Which is why I wanted to record an episode about this for you, because we’ve covered a lot of topics lately about ways to get ourselves organized and prepared to actually start writing our books.

This is the last piece of the puzzle that we need to get out of the way.

I’m covering:

  • How limiting beliefs show up and what they’re really telling us
  • Where these stories came from and how we can start rewriting them
  • The tools and strategies to support you in unsubscribing from limiting beliefs

If you’re struggling with self-doubt, lack of confidence or fear about your creative path, you don’t want to miss this episode.


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Want more writing inspo? I have answers to all your burning questions about writing and publishing. Download my Ultimate Guide to Writing and Publishing Your Mystery.

I’m on IG @lizmugavero – follow for info on the latest episodes!