Episode 90: Committing to a year of intentional creative living with author Arden Coutts

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How does the idea of a whole year of living an intentional, creative life sound to you creatives out there?

I think it sounds amazing and I’m totally up for the challenge. My guest today, Arden Coutts, decided that this year is their creative year—and is intentionally following that path with creative exercises, challenges and more.

I love this idea and I’m so here for it.

Arden is a trans, non-binary author who writes queer romantic suspense novels about finding yourself and love in your 30s and 40s. Arden grew up in rural Nebraska and now lives in North Carolina where they work in historic preservation and continue to pursue their creative endeavors in podcasting, writing, and art. They have a degree in Anthropology from Iowa State University. Fall Into Midnight is their debut novel. They have also published the prequel Before We Fall, which is a romance novella, and a book of poetry, Where We Once Existed.

Arden’s approach to nurturing their own creativity should inspire all of you.

We cover:

  • Winning against imposter syndrome
  • Processing emotions through writing
  • The moment that began their writing career
  • What it looks like to live intentionally and creatively
  • How to tap into creative practices to jumpstart a new project

And so much more.

You can check out Arden’s work here: https://www.ardencoutts.com/free-novel

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