Writing “success” doesn’t happen overnight. We all tend to get caught up in such a narrow view of success, and specifically this idea of it happening "overnight." Writers definitely experience this. We see the people on the NY Times bestseller list, hear about the new writer who got a...
How to make the curse a blessing – even when it seems nuts
I’m coming in with some mindset talk today. We've all lived through some stuff, right? Stuff that was less than optimal. Or, flat out bad. The traumatic (big "T" or little “t”) experiences we’ve had. The treatment we’ve endured, the relationships that have threatened to break us, the life events...
Why mindset is the most important writing tool
I love to talk about writing tools. I’ve always been an office supply junkie, for one thing, so anytime I can buy new notebooks, life is good. And when I found Scrivener, well, my mind was blown! But guess what—none of these are the tools that are going to make the most difference in your career. ...
Learn to love the stories you tell yourself
Most of us are carrying around stories that someone—a well-meaning family member or a friend whose opinion we really valued—told us at some point in our lives. The thing about those stories, though, is that they probably aren’t true—like mine. This is not a criticism of anyone’s family members or...
My dad’s (bad) advice
When I was getting ready to declare my major in college, my parents asked me what I had decided. Of course, I’d known since I was probably seven years old that I wanted to be a writer, so of course my major would be English. (I know, I know, there’s fancier programs for writers out there, but I...
Do It Now
One of my biggest challenges in life, and writing, is this all-or-nothing mindset I somehow developed along the way. I could spend some time on where this came from, but that would probably be its own whole blog post. Suffice it to say, it’s probably related to the notion I’ve had since I was a...