If you’re not sure which genre you want to write in—or you feel like your book doesn’t fit neatly into a specific genre—this episode is for you.
I have a lot of conversations with writers about rules, and what you are “supposed to do” and “not supposed to do.” A lot of people just starting out have heard there is absolutely a right and a wrong way to write a book, to tell a story, to fit into a genre.
I think we block ourselves from so many things if we approach writing in this way. We block ourselves from inspiration, from the actual magic that occurs when we just sit down and write something without putting it in a box, or putting ourselves in a box. Most importantly, we end up blocking our own voice – the voice that really wants to come out and be heard.
But here’s the good news: Genre-bending fiction is on the rise. And my guest today is going to tell you how she does it.
Lale Davidson is an author and writing teacher who pushes the boundaries of magical realism in her novels. And we talk about how to do that in today’s episode.
We cover:
- How she created a world she wanted to work with before she had an actual plot—and why that worked for her
- Why it makes sense to write in “layers” or phases and write out of order if that makes sense to you
- The ONLY writing rule she follows
- How to bring readers along with you on any journey—even in a nontraditional genre
If you love pushing the envelope in your writing and creating something that is authentically YOU, this is the episode you don’t want to miss.
You can find out more about Lale and her work here.
And make sure you’re following me on IG @lizmugavero for the latest episodes!